My journey

A bit about me

Hello all and welcome to my web site, 

I am very fortunate to love what I do and wake up every morning with a smile on my face . 
My original career was in the garment center I was a clothing designer and went to school for Fashion Merchandising and design. 

My husband and I started a denim manufacturing company in the garment center, I was the Designer.  I shopped for styles all over the world , Paris, Rome, London and yes the Hamptons. 
I had children and wanted to stay at home but still be involved in the design field.  I went back to school at the Metropolitan School of Interior Design and after 3 years I graduated at the top of my class. 

More importantly I found I had the natural ability, vision, love and passion for interior design. I found myself working locally and word of mouth spread very quickly. I had started and began a successful interior design business. 

When I walk into a room I have an immediate vision of what the room can potentially look like. Today I am very proud to say I have been rated as on of the top designers in NY by Architectural Digest and Long Island Press. I have also been featured on TV. 

What I instill in both my grown daughters is to follow your heart, follow your passion and you will never fell like you have worked a day in your life. 

I have a team of employees and I feel great satisfaction in the team process. I feel each member has something to contribute. I am proud of the portfolio and projects I have worked on. 

I look forward to hearing from you and being able to help you navigate your design needs. 
Follow your heart, 
With warm regards. 
Robyn B