I was referred to work with Cindy and Steve Kaplan three years ago by their friends, the Lipmans, who were previous clients of mine. The Kaplans talked about the big day coming when they would be completely re designing their home.

The time had come and Cindy and Steve called me in to work with the builder and I reviewed the floor plans and made several suggestions. Cindy and Steve interviewed several builders and finally selected a small local company and it was time to put the whole team together. The architect made several revisions and my assistant and I worked together with the Kaplans to discuss the pros and cons of the options and choices the architect presented. For phase 1 we discussed flooring options, plumbing fixtures, cabinet selections, tile choices, paint colors, molding choices, hardware selections and door styles among many other things.
It was finally time to rebuild! The foundation and basement were expanded, the master bedroom was to now above the garage, and the ceiling heights and lines were changed to build in architectural interest. The original look of that 1950s colonial had taken on a new streamlined modern look!
Our progress so far…

What was most important to me as the interior designer was that all these choices and selections had to coordinate and work well and look good together. This is often overlooked and the misunderstood part to design. A contractor’s expertise lies in their ability to implement your design choices. An Interior designer listens, understands and guides the client to select the choices ultimately make the space functional and beautiful.
That’s all for now…Stay tuned for the beautiful “after” shots!